Cold War Hot Take

Cold War (Pawel Pawlikowski, 2018) is a Polish drama that explores the relationship between two characters: Zula and Wiktor during the period between the end of WW2 and the beginning of the Cold War. Throughout these years, we witness the tumultuous romance between Zula and Wiktor as their relationship develops and devolves throughout the duration of the film.

Cold War (2018)

The film uses many interesting techniques to portray the time period accurately. Firstly, the film uses 4:3 aspect ratio, and it is also in black and white. These two cinematographic choices are typically associated with early filmmaking, due to the fact that these were the only options available at the time. This contributes to the film’s authenticity; as well as creating an aesthetically pleasing frame.

The film incorporates a number of prolepses throughout, which effectively and efficiently conveys the passing of time and emphasises how estranged the pair’s relationship becomes. Clever use of hair, costume design and makeup is also utilised to illustrate similar effects.

Cinematography of Cold War (2018)

I personally reacted to the film in a mixed way. The film was consistently visually striking throughout and the performances (albeit in Polish) were excellent. However, I found myself losing interest periodically throughout the film due to the fact the events that took place throughout were relatively mundane, and the story didn’t particularly develop until the last 10 minutes. Although the arguments between the pair were compelling, I didn’t particularly connect with either character. Consequently, I didn’t have an investment in the film and this was detrimental to my overall opinion of it.

I think that the filmmakers were trying to emphasise the brutality of post-war life, as well as nullify the preconceived stigma of typical romance portrayed throughout cinema during this time period. Everything isn’t a happy love story, and Pawlikowski expertly conveys this message throughout the film.

Overall, I would rate Cold War ★★★½.

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