Fiction or documentary?

There are a wide variety of differences between a typical ‘fiction film’ and a feature length documentary film. In the table below, I have listed the main discrepancies between the two types of film, centering around a key aspect of filmmaking in each point.

Fiction Films

Mise-en-scène (locations, props, costumes, etc) can be real (shot on location) or “faked” in a studio.

Characters’ dialogue and actions are pre-conceptualised by a screenwriter and usually played by an actor.

Professional equipment is used throughout (such as dollies, rigs, Steadicam etc.) to fully immerse the viewer within the fictional world of the film. The equipment is invisible to the viewer.

The filmmaker typically has an ambitious creative vision for what their film will entail, often disregarding a sense of reality. They are behind-the-scenes and invisible to the viewer.

The narrative’s structure, dialogue and events are preconceived and conceptualised in a fictional manner.

Often attempt to attract the largest possible audience. The viewer accepts the artificial and fictitious nature.

Typically has a larger budget, due to the requirement for more expensive equipment.

Documentary Films

Mise-en-scène is found in real life.

Documentary films do not contain characters, only real people and events are portrayed throughout – the dialogue appears to be genuine.

Bare minimum equipment (handheld camera, tripod etc.) is typically used to create a sense of authenticity.

The filmmaker attempts to capture the most accurate reality possible in a documentary, often displaying the crew behind the scenes. The filmmaker often appears in the documentary, sometimes even being the focus.

The narrative events unfold in real time, the filmmakers often do not plan the documentary in advance.

Often attract a niche audience, the viewer expects truthfulness and transparency.

Typically has a smaller budget, as expensive equipment is not needed.

A typical documentary set


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